Maintain & Develop

Our Tribal Transportation Program office oversees the maintenance and planning of our village’s road infrastructure. They ensure that our roads are safe, well-maintained, and accessible to all community members while also planning for future transportation needs and improvements.

In addition to managing roadways, the office is responsible for fleet management and the acquisition of essential equipment. This includes maintaining and upgrading our vehicles and machinery to ensure they are in optimal working condition, which is crucial for effective road maintenance and emergency response. The program also evaluates and procures new equipment as needed to enhance our capabilities and address the evolving needs of the community.

For more information about our Tribal Transportation Program, please contact our Tribal Transportation Program Manager.

Featured Projects

We are excited to announce that our grant application to the Denali Commission for the Community Roads Dust Mitigation Project has been approved, providing $290,000 in funding. This critical project will address the severe dust issues stemming from Kokhanok Village’s gravel roads.

With this grant, Kokhanok will acquire EK35, a dust palliative product, to treat all gravel roads within the community. The Tribe will utilize tribal equipment and staff to apply this solution, significantly reducing dust pollution.

Dust mitigation is a high priority for community safety and health. The project will start procurement of materials in winter/spring 2025, with work expected to commence in summer/fall 2025. This initiative will greatly enhance the quality of life in Kokhanok Village by improving air quality and road safety.

Small town